Service animals are permitted throughout the venue. However, emotional support animals, therapy animals, companion animals, and pets are not permitted into the event. Any animal whose task is to provide protection, emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship is not considered a service animal and will not be allowed into the venue. Only service animals that have been individually trained and are under the proper care of their owners will be allowed within the premises.
The following guidelines must be followed:
- All service animals must be verified by the Accessibility Coordinator or Manager before entering the event venue.
- Once verified, service animal handlers are required to fill out a Service Animal Agreement before proceeding into the event grounds. Once signed, service animals will receive a service animal wristband or tag to indicate verification.
- Service animals must remain by the handler’s side at all times and must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered.
- If these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or if the handler’s disability prevents the use of these devices, the handler must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.
- Service animals must be housebroken and should use the service animal relief area.
- Anyone bringing an animal will be responsible for and liable for any damage or injury caused by the animal.
- All service animals should have legally required vaccinations. The Accessibility Coordinator or Manager may ask for proof of vaccination during the verification process.
- All service animals must receive a service animal credential at an Accessibility Services Hub in order to enter the venue.
We ask that you do not leave your animal in your car while you're attending the event, as vehicles without active air conditioning may become too hot and unsafe for any animal.